Wednesday, October 27, 2010

About Me

I have always loved electronics, taking something apart when I was younger, then realising I couldn’t put it back together. However, it wasn’t until late 2009 that electronics started to come back. From here I discovered the world of the Arduino microprocessor, and the obsession started to grow (something we have all experienced in one form or another :)). 

With John’s help from and his amazing tutorials, I have developed a ‘Base Knowledge’ as a junior hobbyist. I have just completed my Secondary Education teaching degree (Physics & Mathematics). I hope to endeavour to teach electronics in the school system, and pass on my passion as well. 

I jumped at the possibility to help out Marcus and Maddy @ littlebird to blog about various projects; firstly to give me just that little bit more motivation to finish my projects before starting another one. As well as being a valuable resource for my students in future years to refer to.

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